Geek Trivia

Do you have a surplus of knowledge nuggets from years of playing through various video game sagas?

Is your mind palace filled with what some might (wrongly) deem “inconsequential” details about your favourite television shows and movies?

In social situations, do you find yourself holding back from inundating those around you with facts and tidbits about the movie they’re discussing? Or worse – not holding back?

We can help! Join us for Geek Trivia on Monday nights where your nerdy expertise will be not only appreciated, but celebrated!

Each week, Trivia Master Alex sets aside a portion of the evening to focus on a different geeky theme. You can check out upcoming themes here.  And if a particular week’s theme isn’t your speciality, don’t worry! There will still be a lot of randomized trivial geekiness to enjoy. The exception to this is the last Monday of every month, when all the questions will be on a particular theme. The theme for March 31: The MCU!

Drop in or reserve your spot beforehand! If you decide to make a reservation, be sure to put “Trivia” in the details section, along with your team name, if you have one.


Every Monday
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cost: $3 per person

Geek Trivia League

Each week’s scores are compiled by an ancient and arcane machine, supervised by the Trivia Master’s crack team of quizzical boffins. At the end of each month the team with the highest cumulative score in the previous month is declared the previous month’s winners.

Click here to see scores and themes.

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